Our Purpose

We advise high-net-worth individuals, successful entrepreneurs, and affluent multi-generation families on life insurance and related financial matters.

We understand the opportunities and risks inherent in family wealth and we know that for our clients, prosperity is as much about responsibility and security as it is about growth.

Our purpose is to give clients a greater sense of financial security and increased confidence in their wealth management program.

Our Services

We have been advising people on life insurance for over 30 years, and we’ve gotten pretty good at it.

CAP Advisors will educate you on how life insurance works and review the policies that you already own.

If you need more protection, we will help you buy the best policy from one of the top companies in Canada.

Making An Impact Around the GTA

Client Families
Years in Business
Policies Managed

Ready to talk?

Use our online contact form to arrange a confidential consultation about your insurance planning.